Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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Hold on to your Heart

While on the infertility journey, you have two main objectives. Obviously getting pregnant is the primary goal, but the other is the vital task of holding on to your heart. Nothing pulls at your heart like the stress of chasing that elusive dream of having a family. Further, nothing challenges a marriage like enduring the continued disappointment and struggle inherent in fertility treatment. Safeguarding your emotional well being, your sense of self and your ultimately your heart is the most important goal while on this journey. This is not an easy task, however it is an extremely vital aspect of the journey

Couples tend to not embrace the importance of this task until it's urgency is directly in front of them. Active communication and emotional support are components to the goal of holding on to your emotional well being. You must recognize the potential danger of this loss in order to take preventative steps to combat the process. Making your heart a priority is a key to ultimately safeguarding it from the potential damage that fertility treatment can inflict. This can best be achieved by proactive techniques.
  • Make time for your partner to do something special
  • Make time for you every day to focus on mind / body skilss (meditation, relaxation techniques, etc.)
  • Keep a journal of your thoughts and beliefs and share with your partner
  • Join a support group
  • Practice active listening with your partner
  • Explore alternate ways of becoming a parent. (This just opens the door to options)
  • Take care of your physical self, this always strengthens the emotional and spiritual self.
  • Explore healthy diet, avoid caffeine and begin a gentle excersise regime

For more information and specific reccomendations, vist my website:http://www.MyInfertilityResources.com

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Updated Website

I am very excited to announce that my website has been updated and gone live. Now you can review physician recommended nutritional supplements, watch a portion of my ASRM award winning video and read the relationship action book. Dealing with fertility issues is challenging to say the least, however, we have tools to help you. Visit the new site and offer your suggestions.

Infertility Help League City Texas

Infertility Help League City Texas